Friday, December 3, 2010

Finally! We are done!

I know. This isn't a Christmas post. And it's to close to Christmas to be posting about anything else. But I really wanted to share this little (big) project. Remember this post? Yeah, probably have forgotten or given up because it has been so long. Well, we are finally done with it.

A long time ago, it has probably been about 10 years, I saw an episode of Trading Spaces in which Laurie Smith (by the way I love her style) did something similar. Ever since then I have wanted to do this. We had to retire our old (literally) rope bed that was for our guests. It was pretty unsteady and we had to give warnings before people slept in it. I am very surprised it never crumbled. So we needed a replacement and this was cheap and sassy!
I love how it turned out. I still have some work to do with all the accessories. I want to get an ivory colored duvet to replace this white coverlet. And as you will see in the later pictures, we need a bed skirt as well. I am also in the process of painting an end table. And then someday I will move on to getting curtains. I am at a loss on what to do. Any suggestions?
I have to give most of the credit to my wonderful hubs. I could not have done it without him. He worked very hard on this headboard to get it hung on the wall. That was no easy feat. I just hope it stays there!
And of course I need to get an outlet plate to cover up all the outlet wires! Did anybody notice that? It is driving me crazy, but I just keep forgetting to put it on my list. And if it's not on my list it doesn't enter my mind when I am at the store. Good thing we don't have kids yet!

Yes, the room is a little bare. I am working on that. There is a dresser in front of the bed that you can't see in the picture. I want a really fun lamp, maybe blue or green. Actually, the color I am looking for is cheap! I can make do with just about anything!
This little-big guy was not very happy. He didn't like the staple gun. Whenever I picked it up he ran the other direction. Looks can be very deceiving!

I would give detailed instructions, but it's kind of self-explanatory. I had my dad cut plywood that was about 5/8" thick. I think he cut them to 18" square. Then I wrapped each board with batting and stapled it to the back. Then centered the fabric on each board and stapled it. Michael then took a really thin piece of plywood and screwed it on the back to attach all nine pieces together. He made key hole holes in the back and then we hung it. The hanging part sounds easier than it really was. There might be an easier way to do it, but after much brainstorming this was our best solution.

Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

Linking to: Today's Creative Blog &

handmade projects The Girl Creative Show and Tell Green Photobucket
Get your craft on Thurs.


Cindy Rippe said...

Very nice! I'm working on a new headboard idea myself right now but it won't be a nice as this one. I'm just going to use Liquid Starch to attach fabric to the wall and frame it out. Good job!

Unknown said...

So cute! My husband [coincidentally his name is Tyler!] and I are building our own upholstered headboard and frame. It is definitely a challenge, but I love what you did - very cute and clever.

I came over from the girl creative, thanks for posting there!

alie @

. said...

It looks great!!! You did awesome! :)

Laurie was my favorite designer on that show too! She had elegant and great taste...not tacky like some of those designer. LOL

Michelle said...

This turned out great! I tried a fabric headboard once and it looked awful, so good work! I would love it if you would link up to my party too!

Nicole said...

Wow, the headboard looks great! I love the bed and room.